
Better diagnosis and treatment for cauda equina syndrome

New national pathway supports clinicians to diagnose and treat cauda equina syndrome without delay.

front cover of brochure entitled spinal surgery cauda equina syndrome

A new national pathway helping clinicians in England to better diagnose and care for patients with suspected cauda equina syndrome (CES) is now available from NHS England’s Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) team.

The GIRFT programme, led by spinal surgeon Mike Hutton, worked collaboratively with a multidisciplinary group of more than 60 healthcare professionals.  We’re delighted to be asked to be part of this project. Through his involvement, our SCI specialist nurse, Damian Smith was able to ensure that other stakeholders were aware of the support we’re able to provide, what issues were causing people with CES come to us for support and to feedback the gaps that they’ve encountered through the NHS system.

The interactive pathway, designed as a result of this collaborative programme will support clinicians to diagnose and treat the condition without delay. It offers best practice along all stages of the patient pathway, from presentation to GP or in the community, to presentation at hospital and diagnosis, to surgery and through to post-operative care.

In addition to ourselves the pathway is co-badged by 11 professional bodies and patient groups.